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Solbiate Olona (VA), 6th July 2017 - The NATO Rapid Deployable Corps Italy hosted a second Land Component Command Commanders' Conference. Aimed at assessing the status of preparation, this event offers a deeper understanding of the readiness requirements to be met as the NRDC-ITA face the certification as Land Component Command (LCC) of the NATO Response Force (NRF), role to be covered for a year stand-by period (as of 1 January 2018).

Commanders from all VJTF(L) units (as per NATO Reaction Force (NRF) rotation plan 2018), plus the IFFG (Initial Follow On Forces Group) stand-up and stand-down Brigades Commanders, have been requested to attend and provide their feedback on the level of integration and interoperability reached so far by their unit, and have been provided with the most updated information on security challenges.

An integrated training programme has been developed and interoperability solutions have been identified to enable an effective conduct of combined military operations as well as the necessary liaison network and Command and Control structure.

The LCC will be responsible for conducting and synchronizing Land Operations in case of NRF activation. The NRF is a force capable of immediate collective defence response, of conducting crisis management and peace support operations as well as disaster relief and protection of critical infrastructures.


Via per Busto Arsizio, 20
21058 Solbiate Olona (VA) Italy

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