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After ISAF deployment 14

On return from Afghanistan, the HQ focused on the reintegration into the HQ Core procedures and processes. The regeneration and recuperation of the NRDC-ITA full capabilities were crucial in setting the conditions for the 2014

The reintegration was expected to be conducted through:

- Seminars and Academics to be carried out at Branch/Division level;

- EXERCISE EAGLE BLADE to be conducted in two discrete timeframes: the first one at the end of second semester 2013, the second one in the first semester of 2014.

The 2013 relevant bit of the EX was a self-generated DEPLOYEX aimed at testing the NRDC-ITA HQ capability to deploy on the field his C2 structure. The Support Brigade was massively involved in the exercise while NRDC-ITA selected staff was tasked to deliver it and activate the EXCON during the EX active phase.

For the remaining Staff not involved in the operational tour in Afghanistan, the main task and challenge was to continue developing the analysis of what is to be done to assume the ability to fulfil the JOINT TASK FORCE HQ role and to transform the Rear Support Command into a JOINT LOGISTIC SUPPORT GROUP HQ CORE SUPPORT ELEMENT. The set targets was achieved through the conduct of activities as follows:

- a series of “JTF HQ Focused Seminars” conducted at Branch and Divisional level to analyze/study/understand the JTF HQ Core process and associated procedures, as well as identify the individual and collective joint educational requirements;

- a series of studies/analysis conducted by REAR SUPPORT COMMAND in order to pave the way to the future JOINT LOGISTIC SUPPORT GROUP HQ CSE transformation process, both in terms of functional areas and individual educational training requirements.


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