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Jan 24 2005

The Media and the New NATO

MILAN, 24 Jan 05. High Representatives from NATO HQ in Bruxelles, Italian Defense Staff in Rome and NATO Rapid Deployable Corps-Italy took part to a conference organized by the Journalist Association of Lombardy, with the support of NRDC-IT, in order to promote a better understanding of the Alliance’s transformation and changes after 11 September 2001.

The conference was also aimed to identify and discuss the problems related to military-media relationship based on the experience of journalists during the most recent operations.

The speakers explored all the NATO area of interests covering the political level and the latest changes of the military structure. Miss Megan MINNION representing NATO Hq Public Diplomacy Division, talked about the New NATO Enlargement and latest decisions approved at the Instanbul Summit, Admiral Luigi BINELLI, Italian Defence Staff, covered NATO-Italy relationship from a defense policy point of view and finally Lt Gen Mauro Del Vecchio, NRDC-IT Commander, briefed the audience about the High Readiness Forces (HRF) and the NATO Response Force (NRF). Futhermore international affairs journalists presented their view on NATO and EU and the NATO-Russia relationship and NATO enlargement towards east.

During his presentation about HRF and NRF, Gen Del Vecchio also provided the audience some feedback about the recent experience as Land Component Comand of the third rotation of the NATO Response Force (NRF3), from July 04 to Jan 05 and he confirmed the commitment of NRDC-IT for assuming the leadership of ISAF mission next August 2005.

Before the event, that was held at the Press Club in Milan and attended by journalist, editors and representatives of local and military institutions, NRDC-IT distributed NATO manuals, publications, briefings and digital supports in order to familiarize all the participants with NATO environment, terminology and activities.

Story by NRDC Public Affairs Office


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