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Nov 16 2007

NRDC-ITA Assists ARRCs Exercise Arrcade Fusion 07

SENNELAGER, (GE) 16 November 2007. Twenty members of the NATO Rapid Deployable Corps (Italy) have completed their stint on Exercise ARRCADE FUSION 07.

Not content with having coducted their own Command Post Exercise the week before, the NRDC-ITA personnel spent 2 weeks working with Headquarters Allied Rapid Reaction Corps in Sennelager.

As a sister headquarters, NRDC-ITA was requested to assist ARRC on its key exercise this year. The group, which consisted of a cross-section of NRDC-ITA member nations, provided the backbone of the Combined Joint Operations Centre and also deployed one officer to ARRC’s field HQ.

Although designed to refresh ARRC in its command of war fighting operations, Exercise ARRCADE FUSION also provided a valuable opportunity for NRDC-ITA personnel to observe an equivalent headquarters’ procedures.

We have a lot in common, says NRDC-ITA’s spokesman Major Graham Cable.We have both deployed our headquarters on ISAF operations, and may well be called upon to do so again.

“But there are a whole range of situations we could find ourselves operating in, and we both have to train hard for this. It makes sense for us to help each other achieve this and share our experience.

I feel sure that this opportunity has been beneficial for both our headquarters and I look forward to continuing our work together in the future.

Story by NRDC Public Affairs Office


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