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Feb 6 2008

HQ NRDC-ITA Warrant officers reach for the Stars

SOLBIATE OLONA (VA), 6 Feb 08. Six HQ NRDC-ITA Warrant Officers were promoted to Primo Maresciallo Luogotenente at a special ceremony this morning.

Mario Boscu, Geremia De Stefano, Stefano Ferrazza, Luigi Gilio, Robertino Morselli and Martino Putgioni were all promoted from Primo Maresciallo (Warrant Officer Class 1) to the Italian Army’s senior non-commissioned officer rank during the ceremony.

The event, attended by HQ NRDC-ITA’s senior staff officers and non-commissioned officers, saw the Chief of Staff, Major General Antonio Satta, award the new rank insignia to each individual.

Commenting after the occasion, newly promoted Primo Maresciallo Luogotenente and Command Sergeant Major Mario Boscu said It is an honour not only to have reached the pinnacle of my Army career, but also to have achieved this in a flag-ship headquarters and among such esteemed company.

Story by NRDC Public Affairs Office


Via per Busto Arsizio, 20
21058 Solbiate Olona (VA) Italy

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