SOLBIATE OLONA (VA) 11 SEPTEMBER 2011. On 11 September 2010 the Headquarters of the NATO Rapid Deployable Corps in Italy (NRDC-ITA), hosted their annual International Day at Ugo Mara Barracks, Solbiate Olona.
The NRDC-ITA, commanded by Lieutenant General Gian Marco Chiarini, host the International Day annually as an opportunity for members of the local community, Italian and foreign soldiers and their families to meet, share each others cultures and have some fun. Each national contingent provides a stand that demonstrates the culture, traditions, national dress and food of their nation. There are also performances of national dance and music.
Alongside Italy, the eleven founding members of the NRDC-ITA were: Germany, Great Britain, Greece, The Netherlands, Poland, Portugal, Spain, USA, Turkey and Hungary. Bulgaria joined in 2005, Slovenia in 2006 then France and Romania in 2007. In total 15 NATO nations now contribute to the Headquarters. As the host nation Italy provides the bulk of the Headquarters’ manpower with 70% of the personnel coming from the Italian Armed Forces.
During the day there were a variety of events and performances, all performed in an arena decorated by sculptures from Maestro Brocca-Toletti. Traditional Italian musical displays led the musical programme with performances from Gruppo Bosino, the Bersaglieri band of the Bersaglieri Association from Desenzano del Garda and the Gramophone’s Band. These alternated with folk groups from Spain, Great Britain, Portugal, Slovenia and Turkey.
For those with a historical interest there were also military re-enactment groups including some XVII-century soldiers and examples of soldiers from most of the armies of World War Two, including authentic vehicles. The Oncologic Association Varese per l’Oncologia in collaboration with the Gruppo Bosino also promoted fund raising by selling publications and books given for free by Gianluigi Marcora, Director of the local magazine l’Inform@zione.
General Chiarini, commander Hq NRDC-ITA deemed the event a success and stated: Once again the NRDC-ITA International Day has confirmed how the close the local community is to our Headquarters. We chose to hold the event today on 11th September in honour of the victims of the devastating attack of nine years ago, so demonstrating love for life and the determination to keep working for the defence of the civil society.