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Feb 4 2011


SAN GIORGIO A CREMANO (NA), 4th February 2011. From 31st January to 4th February 2011 NRDC-ITA supported a seminar titled Fire and Influence in Cavaleri Barracks, San Giorgio a Cremano, Naples. The seminar, the first of its kind hosted by the Acqui Division, focused on non-lethal effects and their role in modern operations.

The seminar, which was held in English, was supported by a team of 5 NRDC-ITA officers who are specialists in non-lethal effects such as public affairs and information activities in support of military operations. The seminar examined NATO doctrine, current operational activities and case studies examining the activities of a variety of foreign militaries.

Together with key elements of the Acqui headquarters, the seminar was attended by over 30 officers, coming from Aosta, Garibaldi, Grantieri di Sardegna, Pinerolo and Sassari Brigades and representatives of affiliated units of the Acqui Division Headquarters: the Portugese Medium Intervention Brigade, based in Coimbra, and the Italian Artillery School, based in Bracciano, Rome.

The seminar provided an excellent forum in which to examine this key part of modern military operations and was deemed a success by those participating. It will now be held annually with the aim of training personnel of the Italian Army and allied Armed Forces interested in these specific areas.

Story by NRDC Public Affairs Office


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