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Oct 24 2012

German Mountain Men visit NRDC-ITA

SOLBIATE OLONA (VA), 24 OCT 2012. The German Contingent of HQ NRDC-ITA played host to staff from the 230th Mountain Reconnaissance Battalion during a visit on 24 October, 2012.

The Fuessen-based Battalion, under the lead of Lieutenant Colonel Ulrich Schmidt-Narischkin, was hosted by the German Senior National Representative, Colonel Peter Uffelmann, and his team.

The mountain troops were primarily interested in the HQ NRDC-ITA Command relationships, the future role as Joint Task Force (Land) Headquarters and in particular in G2/J2 structures and procedures.

With regard to the latter, HQ NRDC-ITA field officer Lieutenant Colonel Stefan Reisse set out in detail how the different sections are working both as INTEL providers, as well as part of the staff in the different boards and working groups.

LTC Schmidt-Narschkin was impressed with how HQ NRDC-ITA is approaching the challenging new role as Joint Command on the operational level and how the staff intends to implement Knowledge Development and the Comprehensive Approach requirements of the Comprehensive Operational Planning Directive (COPD).

This includes the Comprehensive Preparation of the Operational Environment (CPOE) together with the embedded civilian members of the future J2 branch.

After a great lunch in the “O” Club in Solbiate Olona the mountain men from Fuessen enjoyed a cultural tour of Milan and then a wonderful late summer evening in Como. It was a natural course of action for the German Battalion to conduct a demanding hill-walk through the Alps the following day before returning to Germany.

Story by NRDC Public Affairs Office


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