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Oct 20 2015

From next 20th to 22nd October in the "Ugo Mara" Barracks, NRDC-ITA Support Division will conduct the 2 Support Division Seminar 2015"

As established in the “NRDC-ITA Commander TRANING DIRECTIVE 2014 – 2016” our HQ acquired the Joint Command and Control Capability to be appointed, as Joint Task Force Headquarter – Deployable, for the 12 month “Stand By” period between Jul. 2015 and Jun. 2016. The seminar purpose is to discuss about the latest developments in the Joint Task Force HQ transformation process, from properly Land Component to Joint Headquarter, from the Support Division perspective. NRDC-ITA, indeed, fulfils its present and future operational assignments and takes part to the implementation of the NATO Readiness Action Plan. Furthermore, it will be an opportunity to provide an overall picture of Joint Task Force Concept through the experiences of other HQs and Components.The seminar will be fundamental to receive updated information concerning Support Capabilities and interoperability of the Units and Components. Last but not least, what should happen after JTF Stand by Period and if it will be possible another change of mind set according to the NATO evolution constitute other important aspects to be considered and discussed: NRDC-ITA keeps on being focused on delivering of critical capabilities with flexibility in our structures and procedures.

Story by NRDC Public Affairs Office


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