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Oct 12 2015

NRDC-ITA personnel contribute over 500 euro to charity event

This morning, 12 October, the UK contingent of NATO Rapid Deployable Corps – Italy (NRDC-ITA) hosted a “Big Brew up” charity event at the Officer’s Club in Ugo Mara Barracks.The event raised 572 Euro for the UK Armed Forces charity, SSAFA (Soldiers, Sailors, Airmen and Families Association) which provides lifelong support to serving men and women, veterans and their families. The UK Contingent members and wives served a large number of personnel in the HQ, each enjoying traditional English Tea (something not easy to get hold of in these parts) along with homemade cakes and other baked goodies at morning “coffee” time in exchange for a donation to SSAFA. The effort of those who organized the event and brought along their tasty indulgences are warmly congratulated for giving NRDC-ITA HQ a great opportunity to raise money for such a worthwhile cause – Well Done!

Story by NRDC Public Affairs Office


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