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Dec 13 2017

A refresher on training procedure for NRDC-ITA Essential Augmentees

Solbiate Olona (VA), 13th December 2017 - A two-week refresher on theoretical and practical aspects of planning has been organized by the NRDC-ITA for its Essential Augmentees. Under the lead of J35 branch, the first week refresher was held from 27th November to 1st December and dedicated to Mid-Term planning involved 20 Italian Army Officers. The second week, under the lead of J5 branch was held from 4th to 7th December and focused on the principles and procedure for Long-Term planning at tactical level, in a NATO environment.

Aim of the courses was to let the students know what our planning procedures are. In particular, for the Mid-Term planning horizon included being taught how to run a hasty planning process. Hasty planning is a kind of planning in a time-constrained environment. Any planning process aims to quickly develop a flexible, sound, and fully integrated and synchronized plan. However, any operation may “outrun” the initial plan. The most detailed estimates cannot anticipate every possible branch or sequel, enemy action, threat action, or reaction from the local population, unexpected opportunity, or change in mission directed from higher headquarters. Fleeting opportunities or unexpected enemy action may require a quick decision to implement a new or modified plan. When this occurs, units often find themselves presses for time-constrained environments. So, anticipation, organization, and prior preparation are the keys to successful planning under time-constrained conditions.After finishing this course they will be ready to be fully integrated in the NRDC-ITA structure within if they are activated as Essential Augmentees in the future.

Story by NRDC Public Affairs Office


Via per Busto Arsizio, 20
21058 Solbiate Olona (VA) Italy

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