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Nov 8 2019

NRDC-ITA reaffirms its role as a leader in staff training and military planning

Milan, 8 Nov. 2019. Today, a five-day planning course has concluded at the "Ugo Mara" barracks in Solbiate Olona, the headquarters of the Command of the NATO Rapid Reaction Corps in Italy (NRDC-ITA).

The medium and long term planning courses, held simultaneously, were conducted for the benefit of over 70 Italian and foreign military personnel from the affiliated and subordinate units of the NATO Command in Milan.

Through theoretical and practical activities, participants were provided with the doctrinal, conceptual and organizational tools to correctly plan an Army Corps level operation in a joint and multinational environment.

This activity is an integral part of the training calendar for NRDC-ITA and reaffirms its role as a training hub for NATO as well as Italian units.

The Planning Courses were also an excellent opportunity to share experiences and the lessons learned during the recent Eagle Meteor 2019. This important command post exercise, which ended last month, saw the multinational staff of NRDC-ITA tested in synchronizing and conducting high-intensity operations.

Story by NRDC Public Affairs Office


Via per Busto Arsizio, 20
21058 Solbiate Olona (VA) Italy

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