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May 23 2019

Personnel from the NRDC-ITA have taken part in a two day military skills competition the Best Warrior Leader Competition

International military personnel from the NATO headquarters and affiliated units are competing in the Best Warrior Leader Competition.

Ten teams, each consisting of 5 members, were put through a series of physical and mental tests with the aim of improving team spirit whilst concurrently increasing interoperability and core military skills.

Five different nationalities were represented across the competing teams, with military personnel form Hungary, Poland, the USA, Spain as well as Italy all taking part.

Core military skills, including fitness trials, strength assessments, rifle marksmanship, map reading and CBRN skills (Chemical Biological Radiological and Nuclear) were all tested over the two days.

In addition to developing interoperability, professional skills, personal commitment and resilience among NRDC-ITA and affiliated formations’ the Best Warrior Leader Competition highlights NRDC-ITA capability, efficiency and determination to succeed in whatever role the Alliance might assign.

Currently the Milan based HQ is undertaking a period of transition, adapting from its previous role as NATO’s Reaction Force Land Component Command, a role it undertook in 2018, to the more specialized role of a war fighting Corps HQ. This adaptation requires significant training and exercising which the HQ is fully engaged in. Events such as the Best Warrior Leader Competition demonstrate the core military skills of the staff, but also build team spirit through a friendly activity.

Story by NRDC Public Affairs Office


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