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Sep 26 2019

The NRDC-ITA hosted a forum for NATO medical advisors and planners

The NATO Allied Command Operations (ACO) held a forum for the NATO medical community at NATO Rapid Deployable Corps Headquarters in Milan from 24 to 26 September 2019 to share experiences and discuss doctrinal aspects.

The forum aimed to enhance medical capabilities and interoperability by inviting more than 50 NATO medical personnel from various countries of the Alliance. The seminar was a further opportunity to stress the importance of the Medical branch within all the phases of a military operation.

Modern war and its competing mission priorities of asymmetrical combat, peacekeeping, humanitarian missions and beneficiary care places great demands on the requirements for military medical cooperation, education and training.

Hosting the forum highlighted the importance of networking and sharing best practices in military medicine as they are key factors to increase cooperation and simultaneously insure the best treatment for all battlefield casualties.

This event, held for the first time in Italy, represents the principal medical advisory body to inform all the NATO Command Structure, NATO Force Structure and Nations on all current medical matters on operations and exercises. Additionally, this advisory forum ensures a unified and systematic approach to medical capabilities and treatment.

The main objectives of this forum were to keep the medical advisory body aware of future trends and developments in military medicine while proactively determining efforts to ensure readiness in future medical support.

The forum also established common research and training priorities for the Allied medical community to address common operational readiness interests.

Finally, this 3-day forum was also an excellent occasion for NRDC-ITA to highlight its leading role in the next main Medical Exercise ‘Vigorous Warrior 21’ to be held in Italy in 2021.

Story by NRDC Public Affairs Office


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