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Mar 26 2021

NRDC-ITA completed the Steadfast Jackal CRP

NRDC-ITA completed an important planning activity for Steadfast Jackal 2021.

Milan, March 26, 2021. From 15 to 26 March, as part of essential preparations for Exercise Steadfast Jackal 2021, staff personnel and essential augmentees from the NATO Rapid Deployable Corps Italy and affiliated units conducted Crisis Response Planning (CRP).

The activity occurred both in presence and virtually under the direction of Joint Warfare Center and Joint Force Command Naples. The CRP ensured the application of collaborative and parallel planning processes between strategic, operational and tactical level, aimed at developing effective planning directive and executable operational plans. Furthermore, the phase developed the Command Group’s ability to conduct such a process with higher and lower echelons, while deploying Operational Liaison Reconnaissance Team(OLRT).

Multiple HQs were engaged in the activity, including the German SOCC Special Operations Component Command Joint Forward Air Component and the Italian Vittorio Veneto Division.

The CRP sets the foundation for the CONOPS (Concept of Operation) and OPLAN (Operational Plan) development, which is scheduled to be completed in a month. CRP represented a useful opportunity for the multinational staff to prepare for the upcoming exercise and to familiarize staff members with future exercise events.

These training activities, which follow the recent Key Leader Training(KLT) and Academics, ensure that the NATO Command is ready to respond to potential risks to the Alliance. Being at the forefront of operational capability, NRDC-ITA reinforces the main NATO aim of deterrence and collective defense.

Story by NRDC Public Affairs Office


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