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Apr 18 2024

At NRDC-ITA, the Eagle Eye 2024 "Human Security in Urban Environment"

"The NATO Command in Milan hosted the event with the participation of academic experts, military personnel, and NATO staff." 

Solbiate Olona, May 17, 2024. Today concluded the Eagle Eye 2024 "Military Contribution to Human Security (MC2HS) in an Urban Environment" at the Ugo Mara Barracks, the operational headquarters of the Rapid Reaction Corps (NRDC-ITA) in Solbiate Olona (VA). The event spanned three days with the involvement of Mrs. Irene Fellin, NATO Special Representative for Women, Peace, and Security, alongside Italian and Alliance officers, as well as professors and specialists in the field of Human Security.

Welcoming the guests and initiating discussions was NRDC-ITA Commander, Lieutenant General Lorenzo D'Addario, who emphasized the significance of this initiative amidst changes within NATO, highlighting the Command's continuous efforts toward better understanding the protection of the operational human environment and a concrete awareness of the risks and challenges NRDC-ITA will face in its upcoming role as the Allied Reaction Force (ARF).

The Allied Reaction Force will be a new multinational and multidomain force providing additional options for rapidly responding to threats and crises across the Alliance territory. Starting this year, NRDC-ITA will encounter various operational challenges, including military exercises, academic studies, and staff training, culminating in Exercise Steadfast Deterrence in May 2024, which will certify the validation as the interim headquarters of the ARF in preparation for assuming the role in July 2024.

Among the aspects discussed during the debate, particular attention was given to understanding the challenges and dilemmas regarding the security of the civilian population (Human Security) in the event of ARF intervention in an urban context, identifying additional requirements to be implemented during planning and conduct of ARF exercises or operations, and updating NATO standardized procedures to be cascaded down to subordinate tactical units.

The event thus proved to be an exceptional opportunity for the multinational staff of NRDC-ITA to share knowledge and develop potential solutions to be adopted in the field of Human Security with experts from both the military and institutional spheres.

Story by NRDC ITA Public Affairs Office


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