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NRDC-ITA Mission in Afghanistan


The NATO Rapid Deployable Corps-Italy (NRDC-ITA) deployed in Afghanistan in January 2013 for its 6 months tour of duty in ISAF. The contingent was led by Lieutenant General Giorgio Battisti, NRDC-ITA Commander, who worked as Chief of Staff of the ISAF mission during the whole. In 2013, indeed he guided the international staff of the mission, made up of personnel coming from 49 different nations, in the fundamental and delicate transition phase, managing the hand over of responsibility to the Afghan security forces and the beginning of the final phase of the mission, foreseen for December 2014.


After the positive experience as HQ of the mission ISAF VIII in Afghanistan, from August 2005 to May 2006, the NATO Rapid Deployable Corps – Italy (NRDC-ITA) from Solbiate Olona once again deployes staff and support personnel to the HQ of the NATO-led mission in Afghanistan for a six month period. The NRDC-ITA personnel replaced their "twin" Turkish HQ (NRDC-TUR) colleagues, after having followed a dedicated training program to develop individual operational expertise. The intensive preparation was not been entirely military, including aspects concerning Afghanistan’s historical, social, political and cultural dynamics, as well as a focus on local traditions and customs.


Lt General Mauro Del Vecchio led the NRDC-ITA HQ in the NATO’s priority mission: the International Security Assistance Force in Afghanistan, from 4 August 2005 to 13 May 2006. During this period many result were achieved. The successful completion of a second round of democratic elections, the inauguration of Afghanistan’s first parliament in 27 years.The election process, gave the country stronger democratic representation and assistance to the President and his Cabinet and the completion of the expansion of the ISAF mission to the West of the country and preparation for further expansion into the South, as according to the plan to extend the NATO-led peacekeeping mission throughout the whole of Afghanistan.


Via per Busto Arsizio, 20
21058 Solbiate Olona (VA) Italy

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